Rapidly increasing cases of corona in the country have started pointing towards the rapid growth rate of infection. Experts are also expressing concern over the increase based on mathematical models. The rate of infection in India is more than that of the United States and Brazil.
India’s Corona Growth Rate
India has twice the growth rate of 3.3% from both countries. The rate is 1.8 in the US and 1.9 per cent in Brazil. The highest growth rate in the world is 4.7 percent in South Africa. According to former Jodhpur IIT professor Reo M. John, the rate of infection in India is pointing to a serious situation.
Infectious pathologists are generally referring to Corona Peak. Peak has been seen in America and Brazil to a large extent, but the situation regarding peak in India is not clear yet. Currently, the highest daily average patients are 52,221 cases in the US, Brazil (30,628) and 23,084 cases in India.
At the same time, Brazil is at the forefront of every day deaths. On an average, 825 people are dying in Brazil, 601 in the US and 549 in India. Pro. Río M. John stated that the rate is estimated on the basis of mathematical estimation of five-day data.
As per the experts, corona growth rate in India is near about 9.34. Every 21 days, the number of patients are doubling in India. However, in a relief, the patients have decreased in the past 20 days in Delhi
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