India has also joined select countries like USA, China, Russia, UK, where Covid-19 vaccine has reached the stage of human trials. Indian pharmaceutical company Zydus Cadila announced on Wednesday that it has begun human trials of the Covid-19 vaccine zycov-D.
The company has said in the regulatory filing that more than 1000 people will be vaccinated across the country during the trials. The company said that the first and second phases of human clinical trials have started with the first human dose. In the past, the company was approved for human testing.
The number of corona virus infected in the country has exceeded 9 lakhs while more than 24 thousand people have died. Meanwhile, two vaccines have been approved for human trials in the country. Recently, the India Biotech vaccine and Zydus vaccine, prepared in collaboration with ICMR, were approved.
If Russia has said to complete the vaccine trial, then the trial of the first vaccine of Covid-19 in the US is also in the final stage. This vaccine has been developed by Fauchi’s colleagues at the National Institutes of Health and Modern Inc. Around two dozen vaccines of Covid-19 are being run in various stages across the world.