56″ reduced to 5.6″ – Modi surrenders in front of Trump

White House India

New Delhi|India, has allowed the limited exports of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, after the US President Donald Trump warned the Indian PM Narendra Modi about the severe actions, that can be taken if India doesn’t supply the drug to US. The US President has called the drug as the  potential weapon in the fight against the corona virus.

Earlier, Indian government had put a hold on supply of this drug along with few other pain relievers and paracetamol, giving a reference to global stock depletion after the huge demands since the time COVID-19 has emerged in China late last year.  But, US President has warned PM Modi and said that India may face retaliation, if it didn’t withdraw the ban on the exports of the drug, after which the ban was partially lifted.

Indian foreign ministry spokesman Anurag Shrivastva said in a statement that “It has been decided that India would licence paracetamol and HCQ in appropriate quantities to all our neighbouring countries who are dependent on our capabilities,”.

This incident has been considered as a huge setback for Indian diplomacy as instead of standing up to US’s bullying, Indian government has started to send them what they want. It must be noted that the same Indian government has spent more than 100 crore during Trump’s visit to India and called it as “Namaste Trump” event. By surrendering to such demands, while many of the cities of the country are under huge shortage of the drug, PM Modi has given full submission to the Trump administration.

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