Corona virus continues to wreak havoc in the country. This happened for the first time, when a record 8380 new corona patients were found in the country in the last 24 hours. At the same time, about five thousand people have died due to infection so far.
According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health, the number of novel virus patients in the country has increased to 182K . The number stood at 173763 on Saturday morning. So far 5,164 people have lost their lives. Among all states, Maharashtra has the highest number of positive cases of corona virus.
Maharashtra has 34 thousand active cases currently as per the details available on Home Ministry website, followed by Delhi with 10,058 active cases.
At present, more than 86 thousand cases are active and are being treated in different Covid-19 hospitals. Around 5 thousand people have died due to corona virus in the country. A relief figure for the country is the recovery rate. So far, more than 82 thousand people have recovered from this disease.