Question- What is absolute truth? and where to find absolute truth?
Answer- Majority of people probably settle their answers within the domain of the following options.
1. United Nations vision
2. Constitution of India (for Indian readers)
3. Constitution of United States of America (for liberals)
4. Religious book
5. Religious person’s teachings
6. Great persons’ or Leaders’ works
7. Laws of gravity, Scientific achievements, hydrogen, and helium
8. Death
Though I accept that many intellectuals will feel that some of the above options are incomparable. I assume that 99% of people will settle in between religion and science. But many people will argue on basis of other options mentioned above. So very brief discussion of all options seems to be relevant here to find out the answer.
We can discuss this because we are fortunate to be living in 21 st century. We are living in an open society with equal freedom for all.
We can discuss, we can criticize. A few hundred years ago Giordano Bruno was burned alive by the Catholic church (on 16 February 1600) because he said Earth rotates around the Sun.
But many people in this era are still unable to see beyond a delusion. Because they believe in the opinions of religious people and books. Perhaps nobody can open their minds except themselves. But the discussion is necessary for this.
So let’s see one by one-
1. United Nations-
After Second World War, the UN was created to maintain world peace, but the winners of the Second World War kept the command under their feet by distributing permanent membership of the Security Council within themselves.
US and USSR were involved in many indirect wars after the Second World War and millions of human beings died due to these wars. eg Vietnam war, Afghanistan war.
UN was helpless against the USA and their allies when they decided to keep the expansion of NATO going when the USSR was already disintegrated in 1991.
UN was also helpless to prevent Russia – Ukraine war in 2022.
UN is only useful when all Security Council members are unanimous on any issue (relevant or not) and always helpless when permanent members of the Security Council, are involved in any war-like situations.
India is facing war-like situations due to unprovoked China aggression. But UN is useless to deal with this. But the UN overreacts to any demands of Kashmir because it considers India a soft state. So UN is not the absolute truth.
2. Constitution of India-
India is a great democracy, Government forms, and functions according to the Constitution. It’s great. Many democratic traditions of US and UK constitutions have been included. But many times Constitution had been amended. So Parliament can change it according to the needs of the time. Indian Penal Code-1860 of the British era is still followed. New laws are added from time to time, for example, the WILD LIFE (PROTECTION) ACT 1972 was enacted by parliament to conserve wild animals, birds, and plants, before that hunting of wild animals was not prohibited. So Constitution is not absolute truth.
3. Constitution of United States of America-
Every self-acclaimed expert of liberalism and custodian of freedom takes inspiration from the US Constitution. But slavery was part of it for more than 100 years. US Supreme Court many times justified this inequality. The US used the atomic bomb on Hiroshima-Nagasaki despite Japan’s impending defeat in 1945. The USA is a democracy, very good. But India is also a democracy. So the US Constitution is not absolute truth.
4. Religious book-
Yes, it may be absolute truth !!!!!!!!!, but only for believers of that book. Non-believers and other religious followers are not bound to that truth. Other religions have other religious books and other absolute truths accordingly. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) proved that Earth moves around the Sun, but faced religious persecution.
On 31 Oct 1992, New York Times published that “After 350 years Vatican (Church) says Galileo was right.” So Religion modified itself. It was great. So Message is clear. Blind belief is not absolute truth.
5. Religious persons’ teaching-
Religious persons many times play a role of a guide, a teacher, and an inspirational motivational speaker. But they were also pupils of other great persons. So one can understand the teaching of great persons is directed at people and society and depend on the conditions of that time.
If a religious person preaches only to blindly follow the religious book, he probably wants to convince one to consider religious texts as Absolute truth.
Scientists’ opinions and Doctor’s advice prove more important than blind beliefs of religious texts or persons. [TB, Leprosy diseases cure with medicines rather than any other practices]
6. Great persons’ or Leaders’ works –
Twentieth century had given many great leaders in every country. But every leader faced criticism for his or her works. So no absolute truth in their words can be established.
For example, two contemporary leaders of Tamil Nadu, J Jayalalitha, and M Karunanidhi were worshipped by their respective followers. But Jayalalitha was sent to jail for color TV corruption case, while Karunanidhi was arrested for Corruption charges of flyover construction.
Aung San Suu Kyi a great Myanmar leader, got the Noble Peace Prize in 1991. She also played a role as Prime Minister (State Counsellor) between 2016-2021. But later sent to Jail on corruption charges(1 Feb 2021)
Hosni Mubarak was president of Egypt for 30 years (!981-2011). He got Jawahar Lal Nehru Peace Prize. But sentenced to life imprisonment after a corruption trial.
7. Laws of gravity Scientific achievements, hydrogen and helium-
Laws of gravity are absolute truth, but only for an understandable universe. But these laws can’t define the black holes. So can’t be the absolute truth. Now see this-
a-Man landed on the moon
b-Man eradicated smallpox, and polio from the earth
c-Man discovered smarter mobile phones, and now every man is wandering in his digital world of mobiles.
Absolute truth is, earn money anyhow, arrange technologically advanced luxury, and get lost within it. who cares? about truth or absolute truth!!!!!!!!!!!
Religious terrorist organizations don’t believe in science but they want to control Atomic energy formulas, Nuclear missiles, etc. They don’t want to believe that even Sun’s life is limited because Hydrogen is converting to helium continuously. So lonely science cannot establish itself as truth, because it can be controlled by non-scientific people easily.
8. Death –
Death is the only absolute truth, known to date. However many religious theories present after death. But death still remains the only absolute truth.
So Many people are claiming that they know the truth. But they present only facts, and observations but not the truth (Certainly not the absolute truth). Truth is always relative.
Absolute Truth is still an impossible thing to achieve. Only educated imagination is possible, based on science and religion!
Thanks for reading.
Please send your feedback to this address-
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh, Department of Pathology, UPUMS, Saifai, Etawah (U.P.)- 206130
Email- [email protected]
*All images are downloaded from the internet.