Starting today, in the fifth phase of Corona Unlock, many businesses are being allowed to open with terms and conditions. These include prominently organizing cinema halls and religious ceremonies. Along with this, schools have also been allowed to reopen in some parts of the country. However, the Central Government has strictly asked to follow the guidelines.
A nationwide lockdown was announced on March 22 to curb Corona’s growing infection. The lockdown brought unlock stages to revive the stalled economy. The country entered the fifth phase on the first date of this month. In this, schools, cinema halls, multiplexes, amusement parks, swimming pools were allowed to be reopened from today on 15 October. However it will be mandatory to follow SOP during this period.
Schools : The central government has approved the reopening of schools in a phased manner. Other states like Punjab and Uttar Pradesh have announced the reopening of schools. Schools will be opened from 15 October in Punjab and 19 October in Uttar Pradesh. Comprehensive guidelines for reopening schools issued by the central government include online / distance education, written permission to attend from parents, classes in shifts, flexibility in attendance, no assessment for three weeks, etc.
Cinema Halls/Multiplexes : The audience can reopen along with half the capacity with sufficient physical distance during seating. It will be mandatory to mark the seats not to sit on the lines of the metro itself. Digital payment mode for tickets will be encouraged. Also, a sufficient number of ticket counters will be opened and advance booking will be allowed to prevent congestion. Only packaged food and beverages will be allowed inside the hall.
Entertainment Parks : Here, the surfaces, open spaces, work areas, etc., which come in contact repeatedly, have to be constantly cleaned. Cleaning will have to be done before the parks open and after the day closes. If necessary, cleaning will have to be done in between. There should be separate covered bins for disposal of face masks and covers used. In addition, swimming pools in these parks will remain closed. In addition, park officials will have to arrange for lines inside and outside the campus.