Reliance’s Jio Platforms has yesterday launched its video conferencing app JioMeet. This app is available on Google Play and iPhone Play Store. The specialty of this video call app is that its quality will be HD and 100 people can make video conference calls simultaneously. JioMeet will run on the beta version in users’ phones for the next one month.
Has been launched for both Android and Apple. On this app, 100 people can conference simultaneously. It does not require any code or invoices to initiate a call. Those who want to use this app from desktop will have to click on the invoice link of JioMeet. For this, they will not need to download the app.
This app also has some other features. Like you can schedule your meeting, share the screen with each other. This video conferencing platform can also be used on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. You do not have to pay any charge for this. This app is absolutely free.