The corona report of three more BJP leaders has also come positive after Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan was infected with the corona virus. According to the information, State Water Resources Minister Tulsi Silavat, BJP State Organization General Minister Suhas Bhagat and Bhopal and Gwalior Organization Minister Ashutosh Tiwari have been found infected with corona.
The corona report of Silavat’s wife has also come positive. Please tell that Suhas Bhagat went from Bhopal to Lucknow to attend the funeral of Governor Lalji Tandon along with Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan. At the same time, the report of Cabinet Minister Arvind Singh Bhadauria who went to Lucknow by special plane with Chief Minister Shivraj has already come positive.
Only after Bhadoria’s corona investigation report came positive, Suhas Bhagat had canceled all his political programs as a precautionary measure. Bhadoria along with BJP state president VD Sharma also went to Lucknow. He too had stopped all his programs. However, his report came negative.