A team of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) reached the residence of senior Congress leader Ahmed Patel on Thursday in Delhi. This is the third time the ED team has reached Patel’s residence for questioning. Actually, the ED team is questioning him in the Prevention of Money Laundering Act related to the Sandesara brothers.
The three-member team of the central agency, along with some other officials, reached the Mother Teresa Crescent Home, 23, in Patel’s Lutyens zone in central Delhi at around 11 am. The team members had taken the files, put on masks and put on gloves. He was seen sanitizing his hands and shoes before starting precautionary inquiries due to the corona virus global epidemic. Patel (70) was questioned by the agency officials in two separate sessions on June 27 and 30 for about 17 hours.
Earlier ED Enquiries with Ahmed Patel
Earlier, on 27 and 30 June, the ED team reached his residence to record his statement. Prior to the interrogation on June 27, the ED summoned Ahmed Patel twice, but Patel, a Rajya Sabha member from Gujarat, cited the guidelines of Covid-19 advising senior citizens to stay indoors. The agency then agreed to her request and informed them that she would send him to an investigating officer for questioning.
What is Sandesara Fraud Being Talked About
The ED has claimed that the Sandesara brothers have defrauded Indian banks more than Nirav Modi. Sources in the agency said that during the investigation, Sterling Biotech Limited (SBL) / Sandesara Group and its main promoters, Nitin Sandesara, Chetan Sandesara and Deepti Sandesara, forged around Rs 14,500 crore in Indian banks. At the same time, Nirav Modi is accused of defrauding Punjab National Bank of Rs 11,400 crore.