In the last 24 hours, a total of 44, 879 new patients of Coronavirus have been reported across the country. With this, the number of corona infected in the country has crossed the figure of 87 lakhs. In India, 547 people have also died from Corona in the last 24 hours. In the capital here, 7,802 new cases have been reported in the last 24 hours while 91 people have died. With this, the total number of infected in Delhi has increased to 4,74,830. So far 7423 people have died in Delhi.
In the last 24 hours in the capital Delhi, 6498 patients have been cured. There have been 56,553 tests in the last 24 hours. The infection rate is at 13.8 percent. The recovery rate in Delhi has reached 89.1 percent. The percentage of active patients is 9.33. Corona death rate – 1.56 percent. There are currently 26,741 patients in home isolation in Delhi. While the number of contention zones is 4184.