Bihar is now facing into another crisis on the health front. “Chamki Bukhar”


Cases of acute encephalitis syndrome, ie, fever, have started coming this year as well. A three-and-a-half-year-old child has been confirmed to have died from the disease at Shri Krishna Singh Medical College and Hospital in Muzaffarpur.
As per hospital’s superintendent Dr Sunil Kumar Shahi, A child of Sakra of Muzaffarpur and a child of Motihari were found to be suffering from the encephalitis syndrome. The level of blood sugar of the child was critically reduced, because of which doctors could not save the child. Another girl is recovering now. Hopefully, she will be discharged soon.
As per the hospital officials, this is the first death since June-July last year, though cases of encephalitis syndrome fever are frequent.
This early knock of the AES this year is pointing to a big crisis because the entire health department of Bihar is currently preparing to deal with pandemic Corona. Because of this right now there has not been any complete preparation from the government, as well as the support of people from outside is limited due to lockdown.

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