Actors Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan visited veteran actor Rishi Kapoor in New York with their daughter Aaradhya on Sunday. Rishi’s wife and veteran actor Neetu Singh shared everyone’s pictures on Instagram; the pictures also show Rishi and Neetu’s son Ranbir and his girlfriend Alia Bhatt.
“Your family is your whole world. So so many LOVES in these beautiful moments,” Neetu captioned the pictures. “All looking so well and happy,” Alia’s mother and actor Soni Razdan commented on the picture. The first picture showed Rishi, Neetu, Ranbir and Alia with his sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni. Alia is seen in a white shirt and blue denims combo while Ranbir is seen in a black T-shirt. A second picture shows Abhishek in a blue hoodie, Aishwarya in a white shirt and Aaradhya in a pink frock. The third picture shows the whole gang together.