Former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Uma Bharti had earlier warned on the proposal to open new liquor shops so that no such proposal should be brought so that new problems arise in the state. At the same time, now once again former Chief Minister Uma Bharti and current Chief Minister Shivraj are now standing face to face. Please tell that, Uma Bharti has made preparations for prohibition. She said that on the occasion of Women’s Day on March 8, she will start a campaign of prohibition of liquor.
The government is preparing to implement the new liquor policy for the year 2021-22 soon, but before that the issue has come to limelight
The day Home Minister Narottam Mishra gave a statement about opening of new liquor shops in the state, only after that he had indicated that she would start a campaign regarding the ban of liquor. About 10 years ago, he had said that the incidence of rape is increasing only after intoxication, so there should be prohibition on liquor sale