A mountain of sorrows has broken on Actress Taapsee Pannu, with the passing away of her grandmother. Recently, the actress has expressed her grief by sharing a photo on her Instagram account. She said in its caption that Dadi’s departure is such a shock. Taapsee Pannu told in her post that her ‘BG’ has left an ’emptiness’ for the family. Many people are seen comforting him on this post of Taapsee.
Taapsee has shared a picture of her grandmother on her Instagram account, in which a photo of Taapsee’s grandmother is kept near the place of worship in the gurudwara. While sharing this photo, Taapsee wrote, The last of that generation in the family leaves us with a void that will stay forever…. Biji . On this post shared by Taapsee, many people associated with her social media have wished her grandmother’s soul rest in peace and comforted her family.
Taapsee Pannu is currently in Mumbai and living with her sister. Due to the lockdown and the current circumstances, she was not able to give her grandmother a final farewell. It is being claimed in the media report that Tapsee was very close to her grandmother and Tapsee is deeply shocked by her death.
Taapsee is locked in her house like other celebrities these days. In such a situation, she is constantly connected with her fans through social media. Recently, she came into the discussion due to the revelations made about her personal life in an interview given to Pinkvilla.