Rajinikanth, the superstar of South Indian films, has finally announced a new party. The party will be launched in January. An announcement in this regard will be made on 31 December. This information has been given by Rajinikanth via tweet. Assembly elections are due in Tamil Nadu in April-May next year. Before this, Rajinikanth is considered very important to enter active politics. After the launch of the party, there is every possibility that his party will participate in the assembly elections.
Earlier on Monday, Rajinikanth held an intense discussion with his supporters in Chennai. After meeting with supporters, he said that he would make his decision about entering politics as soon as possible. Rajinikanth had said that he had met the district secretaries of Rajni Makkal Mandram (RMM) to discuss the possibility of entering politics.
Doctors Concerned About Rajnikanth’s Health
Last month, the actor hinted that the wait to enter politics for a long time may be even longer. A letter allegedly written by Rajinikanth in October went viral on social media, citing doctors’ concern about his health.
Rajinikanth, however, dismissed some of the things written in the letter as fake. Whereas he admitted to the possibility of being a victim of corona due to health risks written in the letter. Rajinikanth’s doctors have consistently advised him not to go into politics.