Patna| While there had been long talks for the support of the doctors and the medical practitioners who had been struggling days and nights, without thinking about their family to fight against the pandemic, very less is done on ground in their support. Even PM Narendra Modi, in his address to the nation came forward to show a gesture of gratitude towards the medical community and asked the citizens of the country to clap, beat plates, ring bells in the galleries in order to show their solidiratiy with the doctors.
The entire nation came forward on his call from the bollywood fraternity to the President of the country. But was that enough, is a big question to be asked at this moment of time, as the medical staff round the country is facing huge shortage of the equipments which can save them while treating the COVID-19 patients.
In NMCH Hospital Patna, the doctors, nurses and medical practitioners are suffering for the lack of basic safety kits, N95 masks and alcohol based sanitisers, but are forced to treat the COVID-19 positive cases due to which they are suspected of developing the symptoms of the disease. They have been repeatedly urging for the support from PMO and CM of the state Nitish Kumar, but are denied of any support from either of the two. Docs are infected according to them as they have positive history of contact with infected patient without any precautions & developed symptoms but no quarantine done yet after request. When they demanded the test, they have been denied of it till the time the news has been written. Looking at the scenario, the condition is growing grave in the hospital.
Dr. Dushyant Sisodiya of Delhi told about the non availability of N95 masks for doctors and sisters in GTB Hospital and no proper PPE.
The similar situation occured in SCB medical college Odisha, where doctors are not getting PPE.
All talks and nothing on ground may lead to a serious situation in the country, if we can’t provide the support for the doctors of the country, can we expect good medical facility for the citizens of this country?