If you are left with the necessary vaccination of your child due to lockdown then your concern is justified. In fact, due to high burden on health resources due to Covid-19, regular vaccination has been disrupted. Which has caused this problem. To deal with such a situation, the Indian Academy of Pediatrics has issued some instructions, which can be followed by taking care of the child during this extraordinary time.
32 Lakh Children to Be Deprived of Vaccination
- 01 May be born with measles or MMR dose.
- 5.5 lakh new children are being added every week to complete or partial deprivation of vaccination.
- The DTP-polio dose given to children born in January – February of 2020 was missed in March – April.
- 32.4 lakh children will be vaccinated in the country or they will not be able to get all the vaccines.
Vaccination Improves Immunity
Vaccine weakens or eradicates the virus of diseases. It strengthens the immunity of the infant’s body. Which helps in avoiding diseases in future. Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as polio.
WHO Raised Concern over Vaccination
The World Health Organization has expressed concern that in countries where routine vaccination is not being done, there will not be a strong immune system in the body of children to fight against corona and other viruses and diseases.
If the mother of a child is suffering from corona or they have been quarantined home, then that child needs to be vaccinated. In such a situation, parents should get their child vaccinated after consulting their doctor.
The Indian Academy of Pediatrics has advised parents that it would be better to have children vaccinated on further dates due to Covid-19. But, be sure whether the newborn has a birth dose of BCG, B-OPV and Hepatitis B. Also, it is advised to be in touch with the local health center and get your baby’s polio, influenza, MMR and measles supplements on priority.