How Workable is 21 Days Lockdown?


New Delhi| In his address to the nation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced a 21 day lockdown in the entire country starting from the midnight of 25th March. In his speech to the nation, he told that there will be a total ban on venturing out of home by the people. He appealed to the people, not to panic, but as soon as he made the announcement of a 21 day long lockdown, crowds mobbed the stores from capital to other cities of the country.

Also, it has been told in the address that essential commodities shall be provided to the people, but how it will be provided is still not clear. When will the citizens be allowed to go out and purchase the groceries is still not clear.

While online grocery stores like Bigbasket and Grofers have disrupted the delivery options in situation of lock down, the people were thinking on relying more on the online stores for grocery items. A large number of people were seen at kiosks in the morning buying milk, bread, eggs, vegetables.

At the same time other services like home delivery of Flipkart etc. has also been suspended, which would void people of the things that they need at such a crucial time.

Also, with the closure of public transportation in the country, the foresight has not been thought of, as how will the people reach to doctors or hospitals in case of emergency. There can be a thought that ambulances do come under emergency services, and can be called for the patients, the fact is, as we all have witnessed, the number of ambulances in the country are far less than the required.

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