Government’s Delayed Response Created Shortage of PPE Kits


While the healthcare workers are struggling and raising concerns over the lack of PPE kits in the country, several questions are rising over the lack of foresightedness of the current government over the inability to handle the crisis adequately.

The reports say that the first cause of the shortage of PPEs was the delay made by the Centre, in response to the problem which was not seen.

As per an interview conducted by one of the news portal The Quint, with the PPE manufacturers, it claims that when the manufacturers contacted the health ministry in February and urged to stock up PPE kits, the government did not respond till March 21. Had the government replied in time, the adequate arrangements could have been made. The manufacturers were waiting for a proper guideline from the government before they could start their operations, which they couldn’t get in the requested time frame.

Also, it claims that with the conditions, the government has come up, which are virtually impossible for the manufacturers to follow due to the countrywide lockdown. As soon as the guidelines arrived, it was too late for the manufacturers to prepare the kits, as the lockdown had affected the production badly. Still the government guidelines is missing the clarity which is putting the manufacturers in a state of dilemma.

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