Situation update (As on14 April 2020) – Total Cases in African Region-10759 ,Total Deaths in African Region-520
The 7th External Situation Report(SitRep) of African region was issued on 15th of April which contains data as reported by 14 April 2020.Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19)cases continue to rise rapidly across the African continent.As on 14th April,45(96%) out of 47 Member States of the WHO African Region have reported COVID-19 cases. Comoros and Lesothoare the only Member States with no reported cases.Over the past week,there has been a 51% increase in the number of cases and a 60% increase in the number of deaths reported in the WHO African Region.
As of 14 April 2020(epidemiological week 16), accumulative total of10,759confirmed COVID-19 cases with 520 deaths (Case Fatality Ratio CFR: 4.8%)have been reported across the 45 affected countries in the region.There has been a rapid increase in the weekly number of reported cases since week 9(week ending 1 March 2020), this trend appears to have substantially slowed down between weeks 14 and15.Indeed, between weeks 9 and 12, the percent increase in weekly cases ranged between 400% and 600%. In weeks 13, 14 and 15, the percent increase was 179%, 36% and 5%, respectively. The highest number of weekly reported cases was reached during week 15 (week ending 12 April2020), with 3294 reported cases across the region.
The most affected countries in the WHO African Region are: South Africa (2 415 cases), Algeria (2 070 cases), Cameroon (855 cases), Cote d’Ivoire (638 cases), Ghana (636), Niger (570) and Burkina Faso (515cases). Together, these countries account for 66% of the cases reported in the region.
Between weeks 14 and 15 a decreasing trend in the weekly case incidence was observed in Algeria and Cameroon, while an increasing trend occurred in Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Niger and South Africa.Among countries that reported over 100 confirmed COVID-19 cases, the highest case fatality ratios(CFR)were observed in Algeria (CFR: 15.7%), Democratic Republic of the Congo (CFR: 8.3%), Mali (CFR: 8.1%)and Burkina Faso (CFR: 5.4%).
Conclusion –
The COVID-19 pandemic has reached a new milestone in the WHO African Region, with over 10 000 cases and over 500 deaths being reported across all Member States with the exception of Comoros and Lesotho. Six countries (Algeria, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Niger and South Africa) account for two thirds of the cases in the region. In Algeria, although a decrease in case incidence was observed in the past two weeks, the high case fatality ratio is of grave concern.
There is a need to strengthen case management and conduct in-depth epidemiological analyses to better understand the risk factors associated with these deaths. The upsurge of cases in Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana requires particular attention. Current response measures in these countries need to be reinforced in order to rapidly contain the spread of the outbreak. Although the weekly incidence rate appears to have substantially slowed down over the past two weeks, the situation remains critical. National authorities need to stay alert and continue to implement proven public health measures such was active case finding, testing and isolation of cases, contact tracing, physical distancing and promotion of good personal hygiene practices.
For more detailed SITREP REPORT on African Region Click Here