The Congress on Thursday took a state high court order against Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa and a letter from a state government minister, saying Yediyurappa should resign immediately or he should be removed from the post. Senior Congress leader Rajiv Shukla also said that an inquiry should be ordered against Yediyurappa.
Shukla said, “The order given by the High Court is a serious matter.” A fair inquiry in this matter can only happen if CM resigns or is removed from the post of Chief Minister. ”
He said, “Karnataka Rural Development Minister Eshwarappa has accused the Chief Minister of interfering and corruption in the matter of his department. This is also a very serious matter. ”The Congress leader demanded that Yediyurappa should resign immediately or be sacked.
The Karnataka High Court has approved an inquiry against Yediyurappa in the ‘Operation Kamal’ case. Yediyurappa is accused of allegedly luring money and ministry to the son of a Janata Dal (S) MLA in 2019 to form the government.