1744 Corona patients are missing in Delhi. The Health Bulletin of Delhi is also unable to provide information that where are they being treated. The Delhi government issues health bulletins every day to patients infected with the corona virus. According to the bulletin issued on May 31, there are 10893 patients in Delhi who are infected with Corona virus and these patients are undergoing treatment from hospitals to home isolation.
According to the Health Bulletin, 2586 in various Covid hospitals in Delhi, 158 in health centers, 624 in Covid monitoring centers and 5781 patients are undergoing home isolation. If you add all these patients, then the figure is 9149, while according to the Health Bulletin there are 10893 active cases. The health department was also contacted to get information about these 1744 missing patients but the responsible authorities could not responded to it.
Corona Patients increasing in Delhi
Since the fourth phase of lockdown, the number of corona patients in the capital has started increasing rapidly. The situation in the last four days is that more than one thousand patients are getting daily. In this case, the number of active patients is also highest. Out of the total 19844 infected in Delhi, 8478 patients have gone home in health while 473 patients have died. At present, more than half of the active cases are in isolation in their respective homes.
251 Corona Patients Critical
According to the information, 251 corona patients out of 2586 admitted to Covid hospitals are in critical condition. Of these, 208 are admitted in ICUs while 43 patients are on ventilators. The maximum 11 patients on AIIMS’s Trauma and Jhajjar campus are on ventilator. Both Loknayak Hospital and AIIMS Center have 674 and 685 patients undergoing treatment respectively.
According to the health department sources, it is very important to have clarity about the data of patients infected with Corona virus in Delhi. If we consider the arithmetic of data, then the total number of patients includes active, death and discharge cases. In such a case, if active cases are missing then it is directly a serious issue.