The Union Ministry of Health has recommended to give the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin, to the infected who arrived in the ICU during treatment with corona virus. In the updated guidelines released on Tuesday, for checking of the virus, it also mentioned that this drug is not for children younger than 12 years and pregnant women and obstetricians.
The Ministry has withdrawn the recommendation to use anti-HIV drugs earlier. The Ministry said that at present no confirmed medicine is made for treatment, but some medicines are effective. Combination of anti-HIV drugs Lopinavir and Ritonavir were suggested earlier, which have now been removed. They were not found suitable for treatment of Corona infection.
The ministry said that early detection of infection may help safe and better treatment among those people who are going through the grip of serious infection. This will also help them to get admitted in ICU, if the need arises.