China’s Dirty Game to Save Economy?


The Chinese President visited the Wuhan Hospital, the epicentre of the Corona virus outbreak. With this, China has officially announced victory over the Corona virus. There are talks going on around the world that the Chinese misled the world with the Corona Virus. And that they saved their own economy with the help of this virus. Is there any truth in these news?

It should be looked at like this. Post the outbreak of Corona Virus, in few months across the globe, global stock markets crashed by at least 30%. China took advantage of this discounted stock prices and purchased the shares of American and European high-value-added technology companies for a minimal price. The Chinese leadership used an “economic tactic” that made everyone swallow the bait easily before they asserted that China did not resort to implementing a high political strategy to get rid of European investors, in support of China’s economy, which would bypass the US economy with this step and because it teaches the science of certainty that Europeans and Americans are looking for excuses to slow and bankrupt the Chinese economy, China has sacrificed some hundreds of its citizens, instead of sacrificing an entire population due to bad economy..! Through this ugly tactic, China succeeded in “misleading the entire world”, as it gained about $20 billion in two days, and the Chinese president succeeded in deceiving the European Union and the USA in the eyes of the world and played an ugly economic game, which was unthinkable by the entire world.

Before the Corona virus outbreak, most of the stocks and stakes in investment projects at Technology and Chemical production plants were mostly owned by the European and American investors in China! This means that more than half of the profits from the light and heavy technological and chemical industries were going in the hands of foreign investors, and not to the Chinese treasury, which led to a decline in the Chinese currency,  Yuan, and the Chinese central bank could not do much to arrest the continuous decline of the Yuan.

China strategically widespread the news that we are unable to purchase masks to prevent the spread of the deadly virus. Such rumours and the statement by Chinese President’s that we are “not ready to save the country from the virus” have led to a sharp drop in the purchase prices of shares of technology companies established in China. Consequently, the empires of foreign investors raced to offer investment shares for sale at very low prices, which was “never seen before” in world’s economic history. After this rumour, the Chinese government waited for foreign share prices drop to almost a free fall, and then issued a quick order to purchase them and bought most of the shares of the Americans and Europeans. By the time European and American investment financiers realized that they had been misled, it was too late, as the shares were in the hands of the Chinese government, which in this process nationalized most of the foreign companies erected on its soil in a near-free manner, without causing a political crisis.

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